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Welcome to

An online platform to ignite collaboration knowledge-sharing

Bringing people together to

connect, collaborate and communicate

Hubbs is a open platform intended to mobilize the people and ideas.Its aim is to encourage members to easily and efficiently connect,share and collaborate in conversations with each other in an online community.

What Are


Hubbs are global WEB of online communities linked together by commom themes, creating the worlds largest learning and knowledge sharing network designed to connect the people of the world.

Who Uses Hubbs?

Now, more than ever,its critical to keep everyone connected and on the same page, whether they're at work, at school, home, or on the go.


Connect with others that share similar interest.


Provide outreach and connect communities and teams everywhere.


Build learning communities to increase student engagement and deeper learning.


Educate the public about programs and services.


Create knowledge-sharing communities and team collaboration.


Find like-minded people and Project collaboration.



Send announcements to connect with your community.

Community announcements are designed to allow community administrators to broadcast information out to all community members.


Create a space for collaboration, communication and learning

Anyone can quickly create, customize, and publish a community that looks great and meets a specific users need. Users can quickly create, publish and share Communities around my topic, subject, to interest.


Create groups within your broader community

Within Communities, members can create groups that are open to all participants to begin sharing, organizing, and colloborating on topics.


Engage with community members through topical discussions

Discussion Threads enable a user to join and participate in a group or content conversations, by adding comments, content links or upload additional content to shape, or support a topic discussion.

Hubbs/Content Management

Add,update, and share content easily

Each group has a Library that contains all of the documents, images, and files that have been shared in the disussion threads of that group.



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